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Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police
The purpose of AACOP is to promote and enhance cooperation and coordination between public and private entities in the interests of law enforcement in Arizona.
Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board
The Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board stands to foster public trust and confidence by establishing and maintaining standards of integrity, competence, and professionalism for Arizona peace officers and correctional officers.
Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool
AMRRP is a municipally-governed risk pool dedicated solely to coverage and risk management solutions for Arizona cities and towns.
Arizona Law Enforcement Accreditation Program
Ensuring compliance with established standards and a clear statement of professional objectives, which represent current and professional industry-best-practices.
League of Arizona Cities and Towns
The aim of the League of Arizona Cities and Towns is to promote local self-government, municipal independence and provide professional and high quality assistance to the municipal governments in the State of Arizona.
​Arizona High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) was established in 1990. Its mission is to facilitate, support, and enhance collaborative drug control efforts among law enforcement agencies and community-based organizations with a common voice and unified strategy and thereby significantly reduce the impact of illegal trafficking and use of drugs throughout Arizona.
International Association of Chiefs of Police
World's largest and most influential professional association for police leaders.
​AccredNet is a federation of state law enforcement accreditation entities, which provides guidance, advocacy and support to advance law enforcement accreditation at the state level and promote excellence in policing through standards that reflect state and national professional best practices.